成都本色PEEK棒批发 厦门进口PEEK棒材特价促销

单价 10.00 / 件对比
询价 暂无
浏览 116
发货 广东东莞市付款后3天内
品牌 恒祥瑞
过期 长期有效
更新 2024-06-24 15:44


VIP   VIP会员第1年

黑色PEEK棒  本色PEEK棒  进口PEEK棒 黑色PEEK棒    黑色PEEK棒  本色PEEK棒  进口PEEK棒 黑色PEEK棒   

Attribute of the used raw materialsNormunit i.epeek
Ⅰ,Physical Properties
1,Specific gravity(p)ISO 1183g/cm31.32
2,Water absorptionISO 62%0.1
3,Chemical resistance_
4,Max.permissible service temperatere(nostronger mech.stress involved)
upper temperature limit_260
lower temperature limil_-40
Ⅱ,Mechanical Properties
1,Tensile strength at yieldISO 527Mpa97
2,Elongation at yieldISO 527%4.9
3,Tensile strength at breakISO 527Mpa
4,Elongation at breakISO 527%≧60
5,Impact strengthISO 179Kj/m20.B
6,Notch impact strengthISO 179Kj/m28.2
7,Ball indentation hardn.(Hk)/RockwellISO 2039MpaM99
8,Shore-DDIN 53505_90
9,Flexural strengthISO 178Mpa170
10.Modulus of elasticity(Et)ISO527Mpa3660
Ⅲ,Thermal Properties
1,Vicat softening temp. Vicat VST/B/50ISO 306250
2,Heat deflection temperature HDT/BISO 75240
3,Coef.of linear therm.expansionDIN 53752K-1*10-40.47
4,Thermal conductivity at20DIN 52612W/(m*k)0.25
Ⅳ,Electrical Properties
1,Volume resistivityVDE 0303X CM≧1016
2,Surface reistivityVDE 0303≧1015
3,Dielectric constant at 1MHZDIN 534833.2
4,Diel.loss factor at 1MHZDIN 534830.003
5,Dielectric strength VDE 0303KV/MM19
6,Trackyng resistanceIEC 60112VCTI 150
Ⅴ,Additional Data
2,Physiological indifferenceEEC 90/128
3,Friction coefficientDIN 533750.34
4,FlammabilityUL 94V-0
5,UV stabilisation6)0
Ⅵ,Chemical Properties
1,Acid resistance
2,Hydroxid resistance(delute)
3,Hydrocarbonat resistance
4,CKW resistance0
5,Aromatic resistance
6,Ketone resistance
7,Resistance against hot water
1The figures stated here are approximate values based on experience currently gathered by experts. They are determined on the basis of raw materials ,so that a divergence of values on the ultimate product cannot be precluded.Any legally binding guarantee of certain properties or any suitability for a specific cannot be inferred from the present data.

2,  0.B no break   + yes    O limited     - no


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PEEK齿轮加工材料PEEK棒 VESPEL-SP1聚酰亚胺PI板,黑色聚酰亚胺PI板棒加石墨 VESPEL-SP1板,PI聚酰亚胺板,PI棒是特种工程材料型材 深棕色POM+PTFE棒,DELRIN AF棒 PEEK板 PEEK棒 聚醚醚酮板棒 黑色 本色 PC扩散板 PC磨砂板 亚克力扩散板 PS扩散板 防静电PEI板PEI棒 pei板 pei棒防静电PEI板